Pope Francis’ call for environmental justice and care for the earth in his encyclical Laudato Si makes the connection between our environmental collapse and its impact on the poor and vulnerable: “We are faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather with one complex crisis which is both social and environmental.” (LS, 139) The 2024 Zahm lecture brings Vandana Shiva, PhD, one of the foremost voices in environmental activism, to our campus to expand on that insight and advocate for “Earth Democracy.”
Shiva has been identified by Time Magazine as an environmental “hero” and one of the “seven most powerful women on the globe” by Forbes. An author of over 20 books, Shiva is also a scholar, environmental activist, ecofeminist, and a food sovereignty and anti-globalization advocate based in Delhi.
September 10, Buckley Center Auditorium, 7:00 p.m.
This not to miss talk is free, open to all, and ADA compliant. Sponsored by the Garaventa Center.