Naveen Gudigantala, business, presented “Gray Market Pricing for Chemotherapy Drugs: Issues and Implications”, at the Oregon Society for Medical Oncologists’ fall conference, November 3, 2018, Portland, OR.
Alice Gates, social work, presented a research colloquium, “Advancing equitable and culturally responsive paid leave policies,” at the University of Hawaii Myron S. Thompson School of Social Work, October 29, 2018. Gates was granted a visiting scholar appointment at UH to conduct work with faculty and the Hawaii Children’s Action Network, a statewide policy advocacy organization.
Andrew Eshleman, philosophy, presented a colloquium lecture, “Agency at its Best: The Virtue of Some Religious Models,” for the department of philosophy at the University of Hawaii on November 2.
Natalie Nelson-Marsh, communication studies, presented her National Science Foundation grant funded research at The National Communication Association pre-conference. The manuscript was entitled: “The $64,000 Question: Communicatively Constituting Adaptive-Transformative Resilience Capacities of Interorganizational Collaboration after Triggering Events.”
Simon Aihiokhai, theology, presented “Social Justice Understood as Life Flourishing: Perspectives from African Indigenous Religions and Christianity” at the Parliament of the World’s Religions, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on November 6, 2018.