Nicole Ralston, Education, published “Increasing Confidence to Implement Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices in Higher Education: Investigating the Impacts of a Book Study for STEM Educators.” Co-authors: Dillon, H., Smith, R. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 31(3), 51-70.
Karen Eifler (Emerita) offered the annual Catholic Heritage Lecture at Seattle University on February 25 with a talk entitled “Tears Turned Into Dancing: Reflections on the Possibilities of Catholic Imagination.”
Simon Aihiokhai, Theology, published “A Life of Virtue Demands Disruptive Moments of Awareness.” Political Theology Network: Politics of Scripture. March 3, 2025.
Amelia Ahern-Rindell, (Emerita/Biology), was invited to Pacific University in Forest Grove, OR, to do a Program Review for their undergraduate Biology Department on March 3 and 4. The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) arranges for experienced faculty members to serve as program reviewers for colleges and universities upon request. Pacific’s Biology Department requested that Dr. Ahern-Rindell perform this review based on her having conducted their last review in February of 2014. In collaboration with another CUR Biology Councilor, Ahern-Rindell will write a report that will be submitted to Pacific’s Biology Department and their administration
Aziz Inan, Engineering, published, “Pi Day 2025: A Mathematical Marvel.” The Bulletin, March 2025. Published online by the Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society. Inan’s findings about Pi Day were published in an article titled, “Pi Day 2025: This year’s holiday has twists that won’t be seen again for a century.”, March 12, 2025. Inan also highlighted Pi Day in another feature “Portland professor mathematically breaks down Bob Moore’s, founder of Bob’s Red Mill, Pi Day love story” in The Portland Tribune on March 13, 2025.
David Fuentes, Nursing & Health Innovations, presented Leadership for Public Purpose: Fostering Mission-Driven Educational Impact and Assessment.” Co-presenter: Dave Houglum, Director of Leadership Studies, Franz Center. 30th Annual Kravis de-Roulet Leadership Conference, Claremont, CA. March 8, 2025
Lizhong Hao, Business, published “Imprinting Theory in Auditing: Auditors’ Famine Experience and Audit Quality.” Coauthors: Nanwei Hu, Qiang Cao, Lele Chen. Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting. March 2025.