Andra Davis, school of nursing and health innovations, published “Transforming Nurse Self-Care Through Integration of Spirituality: Lessons from an International Collaboration in Palliative Care” in The Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 34(1), 91-99.
Simon Aihiokhai, theology, published “Honoring Teresia Mbari Hinga, A Theologian Who Dared to Think” in the National Catholic Reporter. April 19, 2023. Aihiokhai also published “A Decolonial Reading of the Post-Resurrection Event.” (Reflections on the Readings for the Second Sunday of Easter. Year A). In The Politics of Scripture Series. Political Theology Network. April 16, 2023. Aihiokhai will also be a member of a research team of academics from select Catholic institutions in the United States: “Pedagogies for Protagonism: Teaching and Learning with the Catholic Church’s Global Synod on Participation, Communion, and Mission.” The research is funded by the Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion. Duration of research: May 2023–June 2024. Hosting Institution: Loyola University in Chicago. Reseach Question: How can synodality become a Catholic approach to civic and ecclesial engagement centered on student protagonism for an inclusive common good? This cohort will discern how synodality can shape our teaching and learning by exploring its meaning, articulating and testing correlative pedagogical practices, and sharing experiences and findings through our institutions and professional networks. Aihiokhai also published “Honoring Teresia Mbari Hinga, A Theologian Who Dared to Think” in the National Catholic Reporter. April 19, 2023.
Giannina Reyes-Giardiello, international languages & cultures, presented “The Curious Bestiary of Guadalupe Dueñas” at the 76th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. Lexington, Kentucky. April 2023.
Ashley Hass, business administration, co-published “The Virtuous Cycle: Social Media Influencers’ Potential for Kindness Contagion,” in the Journal of Macromarketing, 43(2), 110-118. Co-author: Kelley Cours Anderson. Student co-author: Tiegan Beckworth. April 2023.
Aziz Inan, engineering, published his article titled, “Happy 97th Birthday to Queen Elizabeth,” in IndiaWest Journal, April 21, 2023.
Samuel Holloway, business administration, presented “Stay Small, Stay Beautiful, Be Profitable. Invited Lecture at Craft Beverage Industry Group (C-BIG).” Portland, Oregon. April 27, 2023.
Laura Dyer, biology, published “The Developmental Origins of Mythology: A Pandemic-Inspired Innovative Developmental Biology Laboratory Exercise.” CourseSource 10. April 2023.
Maureen Briare, school of nursing & health innovations, published her composition “To the Ends of the Earth.” Published by GIA Publications in March 2023. “To the Ends of the Earth” was inspired by the beautiful illumination of the earth and cosmos contained in The St. John’s Bible housed in our university library. The sacred music is composed for choir, organ, brass quintet, timpani, cymbal, woodwind trio, string quartet and 3 octaves of handbells. It is available here.