Rebecca Smith, education, published “Teaching a conspiracy theory unit to high school students: Learning to debunk misinformation” with student co-author Claire Breiholz in the Oregon English Journal. 43(1), 15-24. December 2021. Smith also received Fulbright Specialist Award, U.S. Department of State and the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board. May 2022.
Toyin Olukotun, nursing, co-published “The association between history of incarceration and heart disease: Adults from the 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth” in Health & Place, 75, 102808. Co-authors: Joni S. Williams and Leonard Egede. Student co-author: Olaitan Akinboboye. May 2022.
Simon Aihiokhai, theology, served in an advisory role at the YMCA Leadership Symposium: Building Holistic, Equitable Communities. Organized by the YMCA Columbia-Willamette. Learning and Leadership Lab. May 5, 2022. Aihiokhai served in the role of external examiner for the Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam for Abraham M. Addam. Member institution: Graduate Theological Union (GTU). Department: Historical and Cultural Studies of Religion. Concentration: Sociology of Religion. Duration: 2021–May 13, 2022. Aihiokhai also published “Rethinking Shared Spaces in an Era of Diversity: Towards an Imagination of the Human as a Holistic Being” in the Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology. Vol 24. No 1(2022): 8-36. May 2022.
Chloé Littzen, nursing, published “2022 Virtual Nursing Theory Week Recap” in Nursology. May 2022. Littzen also spoke with “Morning Wave in Busan” on International Nurse Day. May 2022.
Nicole Ralston, education, published “Student Conceptions of the Equal Sign: Knowledge Trajectories across the Elementary Grades” in The Elementary School Journal, 122(3), 411-432. March 2022.
Andrew Eshleman, philosophy, served as a manuscript reviewer for the Australasian Journal of Philosophy between October 28, 2021 and December 15, 2021.
Jordy Wolfand, engineering, received the Rudolph Hering Medal, American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental and Water Resources Institute. January 2022.
Rebekah Hanson, performing and fine arts, will be a guest soloist with the Tilikum Chamber Orchestra, performing the Bruch Romanze for Viola, on Saturday, May 21.
Katie Danielson, education, co-published “Effects of a pilot educational intervention on perceptions of visible skin diseases” in the pediatric population in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 85(5), 1329-1331. Co-authors: Rangu, S., Kavanagh, S.S. Cantanoso, L., Magee, L., & Castelo-Soccio, L. 2021.
Barbara Bloom-Groshong, business administration, served as PNALSB President and 2022 Conference Co-Chair (April 7-9, 2022), Pacific Northwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business (PNALSB). April 16, 2021–April 9, 2022.
Michael Cameron, theology, published “The Function of Scripture in Augustine’s Confessions: A Ricoeurian Approach” in The Church and Her Scriptures: Essays in Honor of Patrick J. Hartin, ed. Catherine Brown Tkacz and Douglas Kries (Eugene, Ore.: Pickwick Publications, 2022): 109-25. May 2022.
Arielys Morffiz González and Fabi Zeller-Márquez (students) and Matthew Warshawsky, international languages and cultures, published “From Baroque Spain to 1600s Amsterdam: Emergent Judaism in the Literary Works of Ex-New Christian Miguel de Barrios” in Reinvention: An International Journal of Undergraduate Research 15:1 (2022). The article was researched and written as part of the 2021 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program of the College of Arts and Sciences.
An American Dream, an opera written by librettist Jessica Murphy Moo, marketing and communications, and composer Jack Perla, is featured in a Time documentary and article “How an Asian American Opera Singer Found Her Voice Amid a Reckoning with Race.” Article by Cady Lang and video by Diane Tsai.