Matthew Warshawsky, international languages and cultures, presented on April 2 “Confluence and Conflict: A Space for Jews among Muslims and Christians in Medieval Spain” to a group from Congregation Beth Israel in Portland that will be traveling to Spain shortly.
Anissa Rogers, sociology and social work, coauthored “Innovative Experiential Learning Activities in Aging: The Experiences of Four BEL Projects” (with Jay Poole, Melissa Floyd, Leslie Tower, Kris Hash, Crystal Moore) in Journal of Teaching in Social Work, March 2017.
Patrick Murphy, performing and fine arts, presented “It Isn’t Supposed to Hurt: Preventing and Eliminating Conducting Pain” at the Connecticut Music Educators Association Annual Conference in Hartford, Connecticut, on March 30, 2017.
Kara Breuer, chemistry, has received an ACS-Hach Professional Development Grant in support of her research with UP faculty and the incorporation of new analytical techniques into her chemistry and AP chemistry courses at Ridgefield High School. She will join the UP faculty-student team assisting in the excavation of the ancient Roman city of Pollentia in July 2017, using Raman and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometers to analyze soils, stone, pottery, and metal artefacts from the Pollentia site.
Lorretta Krautscheid, nursing, presented “BUDDY-UP: An educational innovation enhancing student nurse retention” (with co-presenter Elisa Majors and student co-presenters Henry Valdez and Jon Rompel) at the Annual Research Symposium, Omicron Upsilon Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, March 2017. Krautscheid also
presented “Empowering advocacy through interdisciplinary communication strategies” (with Jeff Kerssen-Griep, communication studies) at Providence Portland Medical Center, Portland, Oregon, April 2017.
Kevin Jones, sociology and social work, wrote “Dear Dr. Jones: An ethics advice column for mentoring professionals” for the National Mentoring Resource Center Blog, April 2017.
Kimberly Ilosvay, education, wrote An Analysis of Communicative Interactions in School: Learning from Layered Messages in Humor, Portland, Oregon, March 2017.