Katie Danielson, education, had her piece, “Effectiveness of scaling up a vocabulary intervention for low-income children, pre-K through first grade” (with coauthors Susan B. Neuman and Preeti Samudra) published in The Elementary School Journal, 121(3), 385-409. https://doi.org/10.1086/712492
Claire McKinley-Yoder, nursing, contributed “Student-led fall prevention care management reduced fall risks at assisted living facilities” (with coauthors Kiyoshi-Teo, H., Lemon, E., & Ochoa, O.) in the December 2020 edition of Innovation in Aging, 4(Suppl 1), 238, https://doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igaa057.767
September Nelson, nursing, was awarded Outstanding Abstract at the Western Institute of Nursing – Gerontology Special Interest Group, April 2021. She also attended the Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference- Predictors of intent of leave among long-term care nurses, April 2021.
Cara Hersh, English, was mentioned in a piece on crafting and presenting effective syllabi in The Chronicle of Higher Education’s Teaching newsletter.