Bob Butler, environmental studies emeritus; Jenda Johnson, Earth Sciences Animated; and Wendy Bohon, IRIS Education Specialist published an animation, “Tectonics and Earthquakes of the Lesser Antilles.” This animation explores plate tectonics, historic earthquakes and tsunamis, and earthquake hazards the Lesser Antilles region of the Caribbean Sea. The Lesser Antilles animation can be found on the IRIS website using this link or on YouTube at this link.
Jeffrey White, international languages & cultures, attended “Power of Peer Educators: Online Student Engagement & Learning Strategies,” California Community College Success Network (3CSN) Virtual Series, December 2020.
Michael Prendergast, theology, is one of several contributors to the Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays 2021: The Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy. Published by Liturgy Training Publications (LTP), Chicago, IL.
Amber Vermeesch, nursing, is now a Fellow of the National Academies of Practice (NAP) in Nursing, National Academies of Practice, December 2020. She also coauthored “Mindfulness and Shinrin-yoku: Potential for Physiological and Psychological Interventions During Uncertain Times” (with Erica R. Timko Olson, Margaret M Hansen) in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, December 2020.
Katie Danielson, education, presented “Growing dialogic classrooms by building spaces of shared responsive reasoning among teachers“ (with Sarah Schneider Kavanaugh and student co-presenter Elizabeth Gotwalt) at the Literacy Research Association Virtual Conference, December 2020.
Jordy Wolfand, Shiley School of Engineering, contributed “Satellites to sprinklers: Assessing the role of climate and land cover change on patterns of urban outdoor water use” (with Terri Hogue, Colin Bell, Newsha Ajami and student coauthor Kyle Blount) in Water Resources Research. December 2020. doi: 10.1029/2020WR027587.