Nancy Copic, assistant director for student media, presented “Diving into All-Digital” at the College Media Association conference in New York City with Beacon editors Malika Andrews and Clare Duffy on March 12. Their presentation to student journalists and student media advisors from around the country focused on The Beacon’s recent transition from a weekly newspaper to a 24/7 digital news operation.Topics included helping a student staff adjust to a new mindset, workflow and rolling deadlines, alternative storytelling with multimedia tools, strategic use of social media, and using analytics to motivate a student staff.
Lauren Alfrey, sociology, gave an invited talk titled, “A Spectrum of Belonging: How Race, Gender, and Sexuality Shape the Experiences of Women in Tech,” to the Department of Sociology at the University of Oregon on March 13, 2017.
Kevin Jones, sociology and social work, with coauthor Eileen Brennan and student coauthor Ryan Bender, published “Gentrification and Displacement: A Challenge for Social Work in Urban Environments” in M. Rinkel & M. F. Powers (Eds.), Social Work: Promoting Community and Environmental Sustainability: A Workbook for Global Social Workers and Educators. Bern: International Federation of Social Workers, March 2017.
Sally Hood, education, presented “Information Gap Continued!” at the 2017 State English Learners Alliance Conference, Eugene, Oregon, in March 2017.
Tammy VanDeGrift, engineering, presented a paper titled “POGIL Activities in Data Structures: What do Students Value?” at the Association for Computing Machinery Symposium for the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education in Seattle on March 10, 2017. She also chaired a session on high school computer science education at the symposium.
Amber Vermeesch, nursing, coauthored “Answers to health questions: Internet search results versus online health community responses” (with Kanthawala, S., Given, B. & Huh, J.) in Journal of Medical Internet Research, July 2016. She also presented “Interventions to Reduce Perceived Stress Among Graduate Students: A Systematic Review,” at Western Institute of Nursing’s 50th Annual Communication Nursing Research Conferences, Denver, Colo., April 19-22, 2017. Co-presenters were Susan Stillwell and Jane Scott.
Nicole Ralston, education, coauthored “The partnership pact: Fulfilling school districts’ research needs with university-district partnerships” (with Jacqueline Waggoner, Bruce Weitzel, and student coauthors Zuly Naegele and Rebecca Smith) in AILACTE (Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education) Journal, 8(1), 59-76, December 2016.