Aziz Inan, Shiley School of Engineering, had his article, “Letter: Pope John Paul II, by the numbers,” published in the May 29, 2020 edition of The Columbian. See the article here.
Jordyn Wolfand, Shiley School of Engineering, contributed “Stormwater control impacts on runoff volume and peak flow: A meta-analysis of watershed modeling studies” (with Colin D. Bell, Chelsea L. Panos, Aditi S. Bhaskar, Ryan L. Gilliom, Terri S. Hogue, Kristina G. Hopkins, Anne J. Jefferson) in Hydrological Processes, May 2020 (DOI: 10.1002/hyp.13784)
Michael Cameron, theology, was granted the Thomas F. Martin O.S.A. Saint Augustine Fellowship, Villanova, University, in January 2020. He contributed “Lucifer: Patristic and Early Medieval Christianity” in The Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, eds. Christine Helmer, et al. (Berlin: Walter De Gruyter, 2019), vol. 17: 102-106, October 2019. He also presented “On the Road to Conversion with Augustine: A Lenten Retreat Based on The Confessions of Saint Augustine” at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Portland, OR, March 2020.
Jeffrey White, international languages & cultures, presented “With a pandemic comes the opportunity for bold visions in redesign” as moderator and host for the Northwest College Reading and Learning Association Tides of Change Video Conference Lunch Series, with co-presenters Adrienne Beebe and Liz Coleman, May 2020.
Rachel Wheeler, theology, reviewed The Great Conversation: Nature and the Care of the Soul by Belden C. Lane, New York: Oxford University Press, 2019, in Spiritus 20, no. 1 (2020): 129-130, April 2020.
Aaron Moss, Shiley School of Engineering, contributed “Simplified Parsing Expression Derivatives” in Language and Automata Theory and Applications, Leporati A., Martín-Vide C., Shapira D., Zandron C. (eds) LATA 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 120, 38. February 2020.
Nelson Coates, physics, was granted a patent for “Thermoelectric polymer aerogels and methods of fabrication thereof,” (with coauthors Ayaskanta Sahu and Jeffrey Urban, and student coauthors Boris Russ, Edmond Zaia, Madeleine Gordon, Preston Zhou) U.S. Patent 10,522,732, December 2019. He also contributed “In-situ resonant band engineering of solution-processed semiconductors generates high performance n-type thermoelectric nano-inks” (with coauthors Ayaskanta Sahu, Miao Liu, Fan Yang, Jason Forster, Ya-Qian Zhang, Mary Scott, Kristin Persson, and Jeffrey Urban; and student coauthors Boris Russ, Edmond Zaia, Madeleine Gordon, Rachel Segalman) in Nat Commun 11, April 2020.
Bruce Conkle, performing and fine arts, was featured in an article, “Artist Bruce Conkle: Isolation as meditation time” in Oregon Artswatch, May 11, 2020. See the article here.