Aziz Inan, Shiley School of Engineering, was quoted in an article titled 8-Year-Old Boy Ready for Second Birthday in the February 28, 2020 edition of the Sitka Sentinel.
Cara Poor, Shiley School of Engineering, wrote “Design of a small scale hydrology experiment” (with Heather Dillon and student coauthors Alexander Chabert and Jose Bastida De Jesus) in ASCE Journal of Civil Engineering Education, 146: 04020002, February 2020.
Samuel Holloway, business, presented “A trinity of time, community, and industry: Achieving optimal distinctiveness in craft brewing” (with co-presenters Milo Wang, Richard Haans), an invited presentation at University of Melbourne Faculty of Business & Economics, Melbourne, Australia, February 2020. He also presented “Entrepreneurship, innovation and internationalization in craft beer” (with co-presenters Andre Sammartino, Pavlina Jasovska), a panel presentation at the 2020 Australia/New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) meeting. Sydney, Australia, February 2020.
Simon Aihiokhai, theology, gave the 20th annual Augustus Tolton Lecture at the Catholic Theological Union, titled “Rethinking Eschatology in An Era of Systemic Evil – Towards A Theology of Human Wholeness: Reflections on The Life of Rev. Augustus Tolton,” in Chicago, IL, on March 4, 2020.