Janet Banks, nursing, presented “Making it our Own: Innovatiove Course Writing Stages and Structures in a Concept-Based Curriculum Revision” (with Nicole Auxier), a poster presented at American Academy of Colleges of Nursing Baccalaureate Education Conference, Orlando, FL, November 2019.
Salvador Orara, Shiley School of Engineering, in his role as acting president AIGA Portland the professional organization for design, collaborated with the vice president of brand innovation at Nike to introduce “Impressions of Sport: 20 Years of Nike Communication Design” to the Portland design community at Swanson Studios in NW Portland on November 21, 2019. The one-night exhibition and presentation was open to members of AIGA and the community at large. As an education initiative, Salvador and his team worked with key faculty across different schools in the area including Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland State University, George Fox, and UP to provide students with private access tours to view the exhibit.
Martin Cenek, Shiley School of Engineering, had his paper, “Semantic Network Analysis Pipeline: Interactive Text Mining Framework for Exploration of Semantic Flows in Large Corpus of Text,” (with student coauthors Rowan Bulkow, Levi Oyster, Boyd Ching, and Ashika Mulagada) published in MDPI Applied Science. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/app9245302.