Aziz Inan, Shiley School of Engineering, had is article, “Carter facts add up,” published in The Columbian on October 5, 2019.
Dean of admissions Jason McDonald was quoted in an article titled “Cooperation across school lines” in the October 7 edition of the Catholic Sentinel.
Michael Prendergast, adjunct instructor in theology and music, gave five presentations at the Catholic Educators Conference in Boise, Idaho October 4-5, 2019. He delivered talks on the Eucharist, Liturgical Year, Mariology, and preparing liturgies for the sacraments of First Reconciliation, Fist Communion, and Confirmation.
Patricia Morrell, Sally Hood, and Erik Mellgren, education, had their paper, “A First-Year Middle School Science Teacher’s Experiences Navigating Science Content in a Dual Language Immersion Program,” printed in the latest edition of the online journal Heliyon (Volume 5, Issue 10).
Dawn Lee Garzon Maaks, nursing, will be inducted into the American Academy of Nursing on October 28 in Washington, DC.
Hannah Highlander, mathematics, presented “Using Agent-Based Modeling to Investigate the Existence of Herd Immunity Thresholds for Infectious Diseases on Randomly Generated Contact Networks” (with student co-presenter Owen Price) and “It Takes a Village: Delivering Education and Enabling Research in Mathematical Biology via an Organized Community Approach” (with co-presenter Olcay Atman) at the International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, La Crosse, Wisconsin, Oct. 2019. She served as Chair and Organizer for invited session “Open and Accessible Problems for Undergraduates in Mathematics,” for the International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, June-October 2019.