Andrew Guest, psychological sciences, has been awarded a Fulbright U.S. Scholar grant to spend the 2019-2020 academic year teaching and undertaking research at Mwenge Catholic University in Moshi Tanzania. His proposed teaching involves working with graduate students on applied research and teaching psychology courses for future teachers and social workers in training. His proposed research will focus on cultural dimensions of school and community based youth development programs.
Jennifer Symons, Shiley School of Engineering, was presented the Best Paper Award, American Society for Engineering Education, Pacific North West Section, March 2019. Symons also had her paper, “The effect of deductive and inductive teaching methods in an introductory programming course” (with coauthors Joseph Hoffbeck and Heath Dillon) published in Proceedings of the 2019 American Society for Engineering Education, Pacific North West Section Conference.
John Orr, English, attended the Western Regional Honors Conference, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, March 2019. He was accompanied by UP students Kaitlin Yap, nursing; Madison Thibado, environmental science; and Nora Hendricks, biology, all of whom presented posters at the conference.
Stephanie Salomone, mathematics, presented “The REFLECT Project: Spreading Evidence-based Teaching in STEM” (with Tara Prestholdt, Valerie Peterson, Eric Anctil, Heather Dillon, and Carolyn James) at a Thematic Symposium at the ASCN Transforming Institutions National Conference, Pittsburgh PA, April 2019.
Aziz Inan, Shiley School of Engineering, had his article, “Jane Goodall’s 85th Birthday Finds Harmony in Numbers,” published in the Portland Tribune. See the article here.
Eli Goldwyn, mathematics, presented “Compartmental Models of the Opioid Epidemic,” based on work done with UP students Bryce Amato, Meghan Childs, Ruth Olson, Sam Rivas, and Alex Tessner, at the Western Sectional meeting of the American Mathematical Society (AMS), Honolulu, Hawaii, March 2019.
Fr. Dan Parrish, C.S.C., business, presented two papers at the Western Academy of Management 2019 Conference in Sonoma, CA, March 6-9, 2019. The title of the first paper was “Sensegiving for moral authenticity at New Clairvaux Vineyard,” and the second paper was “Principled entrepreneurship: Habits of sustainability.”
Bryan Rookey, sociology & social work, presented “Drugged Driving, the Opioid Crisis, and Public Safety Claims” at the Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association , Oakland, CA, April 2019.
Anne Santiago, political science, was an invited panelist for “Roundtable in Honor of Ted Robert Gurr’s Legacy of Scholarship in the Field of Conflict Studies,” International Studies Association 60th Annual Meeting, March 27-31, 2019, Toronto.
Stephanie Salomone, mathematics, presented “Spreading Evidence-Based Instructional Practices: Modeling Change Using Peer Observation” (with Tara Prestholdt, Valerie Peterson, Eric Anctil, Heather Dillon, and Carolyn James), a webinar for the SEMINAL group, March 2019.