A period of preparation for the Easter celebration, which is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus, has been a part of the practice of Christians since the late second century. The length of this period varied early on but was proposed to be for forty days at the Council of Nicea (325 A.D.) More than just a time to give something up, it is a time to renew one’s attentiveness to life as a disciple of Jesus. Fasting seeks to strip away distractions, almsgiving draws deeper attention to our relationship with our neighbors, and prayer looks toward a deepening relationship with Jesus. This renewal of life as a disciple of Jesus is meant to prepare Christians for the fullness of life that is promised by the resurrection.
Lent this year begins on Wednesday, February 14, and lasts up to the Holy Triduum–the three days leading into Easter on Sunday, April 1.
For more information contact Campus Ministry at 7131 or ministry@up.edu.