We hope that your summer is wrapping up and that you’ve had many fun adventures so far! As you get ready to return, don’t forget to keep your Zoom application ready with you! For more information, please see our Monthly Techtalk Post.
July ZOOM Announcement
As we reach the halfway point in our summer session, we remind you to take a moment to ensure that your Zoom client is up to date for any summer classes, meetings, and activities. For important Zoom reminders and training resources, please see the most recent Techtalk Blog post. We hope that you are enjoying your summer!
June Zoom Announcement
For important Zoom reminders and training resources, please see the most recent Techtalk Blog post. We hope that you are enjoying your summer!
May Zoom Announcement
Summer is here, along with more Zoom updates. Please check out our latest Techtalk post for information on how to ensure that you are up to date. Have a great summer!
April Zoom Announcement
The time has come for one last update for the school year. Please see our Techtalk Blog for the April 2023 Announcement! We wish you a wonderful rest of the Spring 2023 term and hope that your summer gets off to a great start!
March Zoom Update
It’s mid-term, which means it’s time for another Zoom update. Please see our March 2023 blog post for important information regarding these updates. We hope that Spring Break brings you back to campus refreshed!
Monthly Zoom Announcement: February 2023
Please see the TechTalk blog for our February post on updates and new features in Zoom. Happy Zooming!
New Zoom Updates for the New Year
Welcome back to campus! As we get 2023 off to a start, Zoom will continue to release important security updates and new features every month. Please check our January Techtalk article for more information on updating your Zoom app and an important FYI for Chromebook users as we move into the Spring 2023 term.
End of Term Zoom Announcement
It’s time for one last Zoom update reminder for 2022! As we embark on finals is a great time to make sure you are up to date. For more information, please read our December Techtalk Blog Post. Wishing you a smooth Finals week and a wonderful Winter Break!
November Zoom Update
It’s almost Thanksgiving which means it’s that time again, the monthly Zoom update! To find out more, please read our November 2022 Zoom Update article on the Techtalk Blog.