Have you been wondering how you can get involved to make our world a better place for future generations? Or maybe you just want to make UP a safer place for students, faculty, and staff to live, learn and work? UP Wellness has options for you! (Read More).
Wellness Education & Prevention Training
Supporting Student Wellness Newsletter
Are you looking for an opportunity to learn more about student wellness on the UP Campus? Sign up for the Wellness Center’s Supporting Student Wellness Newsletter for the latest resources and information. This monthly newsletter highlights common barriers to student wellness and their solutions, on campus programming, and helpful answers to common questions. (Read More).
Wellness Education & Prevention Training Available to the UP Community!
The Wellness Education & Prevention team has created a new online form for UP staff, faculty, and students to request Wellness training. Available trainings: Jed Foundation’s “You Can Help a Student” Jed Foundation’s “You Can Help a Friend” Green Dot General overview of wellness and counseling services on campus This form will be open year-round […]