For this week’s Teaching & Learning tip, Andrew Guest, psychology and core director, offers possible prompts for summer teaching dreams – with a specific invitation to start imagining courses for the new Exploration Level of the University Core. With the end in sight of this most challenging and odd academic year, it can be fun […]
TLC from the TLC
TLC From The TLC: “Thank God for the Poets”
For this week’s Teaching & Learning tip, Lars Larson, English, suggests reading Margaret Renkl’s recent New York Times piece “Thank God for the Poets”: Deep in the bloom of spring, we are all tired from a hard year. Here in National Poetry Month, Renkl’s short essay invites instructors to reflect on the role of the lyric […]
TLC Teaching Tip of the Week: Citation Help with RefWorks
As we approach the end of spring semester, your students may be working on major research projects. (Or, looking ahead to summer, you may have some research and writing projects of your own planned). Citing sources is often a less-favored aspect of the research process; the library’s RefWorks database can help! As an alternative to creating citations […]
TLC Teaching Tip of the Week: Anchor Seminar
As a Teaching and Learning Tip of the Week, Andrew Guest is using his Core Director pen to share an invitation and introduction to a project for the new Anchor Seminar – an evolved version of the first year workshop which, starting in Fall of ’21, will include a faculty-led introduction to the Core and the broader […]
TLC Teaching Tip of the Week: The Lesson in Question
Each week, members of the Teaching & Learning Collaborative offer faculty five-minute interventions for thinking about teaching. In this week’s submission, Lars Larson, English, invites us to think about expanded possibilities for a question-driven curriculum.
TLC Teaching Tip of the Week: Playing in the Classroom, Seriously
As we all skip, amble or trudge through our 4th semester of remote teaching, a recent essay from the teaching arm of The Chronicle of Higher Education offers ways to incorporate play into college classrooms. In the complete essay, linked here, author Sarah Rose Cavanaugh fleshes out each of the strategies offered in this streamlined version, and for most […]
TLC Teaching Tip of the Week: How Not to Dread Reading Online Discussion Posts
Even in the Before Times, requiring students to contribute to online discussions was part of the teaching toolkit for many of us. Now it’s nearly de rigueur across all our disciplines. If reading classroom forums feels tedious at times, here is one idea that might bring back the glow: rather than generic instructions such as “write an […]
TLC Teaching Tip of the Week: Finding New York Times Articles
Do your students need to access current newspaper articles from the New York Times? The library subscribes to a New York Times database that provides full text articles from 1980 through today. These articles are text-only; images are not included. The New York Times database initially connects users to a screen where they can search by topic or keyword. To assist with […]
TLC Teaching Tip: Universal Design for Learning
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we teach and learn. Your experience may be similar to those faculty who have told me they recently implemented Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to develop new teaching strategies that otherwise would not have been implemented had it not been for the remote-learning model caused by the pandemic. […]
TLC Teaching Tip of the Week: Good Enough
As we claw our way to the end of a semester like no other, the Teaching & Learning Collaborative offers this pithy tip on the virtues of doing work that is not miraculous, but good enough: “Good enough” doesn’t mean settling. “Good enough” isn’t a cop-out. “Good enough” represents an attitude of deep gratitude toward […]