Physical Plant and Environmental Health and Safety would like to remind you to pay attention to signage on campus such as barricades created by caution tape and signage indicating hazardous or restricted work areas. Restricted areas are closed for your safety and the safety of our facilities workers and contractors.
physical plant
Free Stuff!
The Physical Plant team has nearly completed our relocation to the new facility on the Franz campus. We are repurposing as much as we can throughout campus, however some items remain for which we no longer have an institutional need. Some of these items may be of personal use to the UP community, and we […]
Custodial Services in Offices to Resume Again
On Monday, May 10, Physical Plant’s Custodial Night Staff will resume weekly custodial service to private offices. If you would like to opt out and NOT have custodial service provided starting May 10, please complete the survey linked below by Thursday, May 6th. Please note: You should still place your trash and recycling outside of […]
Parking Alert for Dec. 14-Jan. 15
If you plan to leave your car parked on campus for more than 24 hours anytime between December 14 through January 15, please park it in the main parking lot on campus. All other parking lots and all streets, besides N. Strong Street, will need to be clear of any long term parking. Over the […]
Custodial Services Reminder
The physical plant’s custodial staff are continuing with cleaning and disinfecting inside all campus buildings. Custodial services is also taking the time to perform deep cleaning, and each employee has received training and is equipped with necessary tools and products to perform their job, including germicidal cleaner. To prioritize the health and safety of everyone, […]
Reducing Energy Consumption on Campus: Physical Plant
The physical plant participates in a Strategic Energy Management (SEM) program to track the gas and electricity usage in ten selected buildings across campus. Physical plant personnel meet with a team from Energy Trust of Oregon monthly to discuss reasons for any increases or decreases in savings, then strategize maintenance solutions to minimize energy usage. […]
Campus Cleaning Update from Custodial Services
Throughout the campus closure, custodial services personnel have been performing cleaning and disinfecting in all campus buildings. Custodial services is also taking the time to perform deep cleaning in all residential spaces and academic buildings. Each worker has received training and is equipped with necessary tools and products to perform their job, including germicidal cleaner. […]
Physical Plant Survey: Tell Us What You Think
The physical plant would like to learn more about faculty and staff experiences with campus facilities and services. Your feedback is an important element of their efforts towards continuous improvement. Please help the process by clicking this link to a 13-question survey. Responses are anonymous and the survey will close on Friday, January 10. Please […]
Prayers, Please: Peng “Mona” Wang
A note to the UP community from interim physical plant director Joe Cates: “I am very sorry to inform everyone that Peng (Mona) Wang recently passed away while she was on leave. Mona was respected and appreciated by all who knew her. She held herself to the highest standard, and had a way of winning […]
Andre Hutchinson Farewell Gathering, March 29
After seven years at UP, physical plant director Andre Hutchinson is leaving for a new position as assistant vice president for facilities management at the University of San Diego. Andre’s colleagues will be gathering in the Pilot house on Friday, March 29, from 4 to 6 p.m., to thank him for his service on The Bluff […]