Welcome back! One very visible change in the library is that the display of current magazines and newspapers has been relocated from the lower floor to the main floor. They are next to the Popular DVDs and Books for easier browsing. The other print journals remain on the lower floor in periodicals compact shelving. In […]
Donate to the Clark Library Holiday Food Drive until Dec. 16!!
You have one week left to make donations to the Library Holiday Food Drive! Any food donations will help families in Oregon and Southwest Washington. The most needed foods include canned meat, canned and boxed meals, nut butters, canned or dried beans and lentils, pasta and rice, canned fruits and vegetables, juice, and cooking oil. […]
Library Instruction For Summer
Librarians are here on campus during the summer and can work with faculty to tailor library instruction sessions for their students’ research needs. Classes meet in the library classroom (Franz 330), which have laptops that students can use to gain hands-on experience. For classes larger than 30, library staff will reserve other computer classrooms on […]
Faculty Update
Bonnie Parks, library, published“Books at JSTOR: An Interview with Bruce Heterick” in v. 38:4 (2012) of Serials Review: http://tinyurl.com/cbtapln. Eugenijus Urnezius, chemistry, presented a seminar, “Binucleating ligands based on phosphineappended hydroquinones: A rewarding challenge“ at Vilnius University in Lithuania’s Neorganic Chemistry Auditorium on December 19, 2012.