We invite you to be a part of a leadership book club for staff and faculty across campus. The purpose of the leadership book club is to provide a monthly opportunity for staff and faculty across campus (including graduates of the Leadership Fellows Formation Program) to connect and to support each other in our leadership journeys through shared knowledge, understanding, critical analysis, experiences, and literature.
The Online Leadership Book Club for UP Faculty and Staff at UP will continue to meet this semester on the 2nd Wednesday of the month in February, March, April, and May at 11:30-12:30 p.m. on TEAMs. Instead of a book, we will follow a series of podcasts and articles for discussion.
- February: Our first meeting will be held Feb. 14, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and will be led by Randy Hetherington. The meeting will feature the Dare to Lead Podcast with Brené Brown featuring Simon Sinek on Developing an Infinite Mindset.
- March: Jon Down will lead our second meeting focused on Leadership and Politics. We will discuss: The Self-Aware Leader with Jason Rigby – Abraham Lincoln’s SECRET to Leadership: How He Saved America with Self-Awareness, (November 2, 2023—14 minutes) and Secrets of Great Political Leadership, S5E5 of the Duke Stanford Ways & Means podcast (October 15, 2020—16 minutes).
- April: Scott Grainger will lead a discussion on #GenZ Podcast – Episode 34: Gen Z and Leadership
- May: Kala Mayer will lead a discussion on David Brooks in Conversation with Jonathan Capehart on Capeheart’s newest book: How to Know a Person; The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen.
All are welcome.
If you would like to attend any of the sessions this semester, please contact Dr. Kala Mayer at mayerk@up.edu to be added to the Leadership Book Club TEAMs page.