David Haas, renowned liturgical musician and composer of many well-loved hymns, will be offering a master class open to students and special guests on Saturday, September 9, from 10-12:30 p.m., in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher, with a picnic lunch to follow. Free for students, $15 for special guests (includes lunch). Please RSVP by Tuesday, September 5. Haas will also be offering a free concert on Friday evening at 7 p.m. in the Chapel. Co-sponsored by the Garaventa Center and Campus Ministry. For more info or to RSVP: garaventa@up.edu or x7702.
Garaventa Center
Don’t Miss First Thirst Friday of the Year, Sept. 15
Come toast the start of the year with campus neighbors at the Garaventa Center, Franz 330, on Friday, September 15, from 4-6 p.m. Expect lively conversation, tasty treats and beverages for all palates, and a chance to celebrate friendships old and new. Come for 10 minutes or stay until last call, and extra credit if you bring along someone new to the UP community! Questions? Contact Karen Eifler at eifler@up.edu.
“The Slow Professor” Discussion That Never Was Will Now Be
The snowstorm this past January made it necessary to cancel a scheduled discussion of The Slow Professor, for which the provost’s office and SOPHIA provided books. Karen Eifler would like to remind faculty that one of the sessions on Faculty Development Day will be devoted to that discussion, if any one would like to go over their notes or the book.
Don’t Miss the Last Thirst Friday of the Year, April 21
“Jesus Christ Superstar” Pre-Play Panel and Reception, April 22
All ticket holders for the Saturday, April 22 show of Jesus Christ Superstar are invited to enjoy a complimentary reception with wine, cheese, and a delicious array of desserts courtesy of the Garaventa Center as campus experts highlight production details and intriguing themes before this much-anticipated show. The reception begins at 6:15 p.m., followed by the panel at 6:45 p.m. in the Mago Hunt Recital Hall. For theater tickets: x7287. For ADA accommodations or more information, contact the Garaventa Center at x7702 or garaventa@up.edu.
Fulbright Opportunities Session, April 10
SOPHIA, the task force for supporting senior faculty, is hosting an information session for any faculty or administrator interested in short- and long-term Fulbright opportunities on Monday, April 10, 3:15-4:30 p.m., in Franz Hall’s Murphy Room. Representatives from the Fulbright Foundation will be present to give a brief overview and answer individuals’ questions.
For more information, please contact Michele Leasor at leasor@up.edu or x8264.
Fulbright Information Session, April 10
SOPHIA is pleased to invite all faculty with any interest in pursuing administrative, short-term, or long-term Fulbright fellowships to an open house information session on Monday, April 10, 3:15-4:15 p.m., in the Murphy Room of Franz Hall. Representatives from Fulbright, administered by CIES, will be on hand to share a brief slideshow about the range of opportunities for research and teaching, and to answer individuals’ specific questions. This will be an informal session, so if you are only able to attend for part of the hour, please do so. Light refreshments will be served.
For more information, please contact Karen Eifler, Garaventa Center, at eifler@up.edu.
France Pilgrimage Applications Due Soon!
Any senior faculty members intending to participate in the 2018 pilgrimage to the birthplace of Holy Cross in France are reminded that applications are due by Saturday, April 1, to Karen Eifler. The Garaventa Center is sponsoring the experience in partnership with the Office of the Provost. Details on the pilgrimage and the nature of the brief (1-2 page) application procedure can be downloaded here, and both Eifler and Fr. Charlie Gordon would be delighted to answer any questions you might have after reading the information sheet.
Portland Digs Mallorca, April 4
Please join us for an evening with internationally acclaimed archeologist Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros, ICREA research professor and director of the Archaeological and Archaeometrical Research Unit of the University of Barcelona, on Tuesday, April 4, at 7:15 p.m., in the Bauccio Commons. He will present “The Archaeology of Roman Pollentia and a Search for Early Christianity,” highlighting discoveries as part of the UP Pollentia Undergraduate Research Expedition in Mallorca. The event is free and open to all, and includes receptions at 6 p.m. and immediately following the lecture. Sponsored by the Initiative for Christian Antiquities, the Office of the Provost, the Garaventa Center, Shiley School of Engineering and Department of Theology. For ADA accommodations or more information contact the Garaventa Center at x7702 or garaventa@up.edu.
Hard Times Come Again No More: Social Justice Through Song, April 6
The University of Portland’s Nicole Leupp Hanig and Catherine Jacobs and performing and fine arts students will present a concert, “Hard Times Come Again No More: Social Justice Through Song,” on Thursday, April 6, at 7:30 p.m., in Buckley Center Auditorium. Performances will respond to themes of conflict, displacement, immigration, and equality. Free admission; reception to follow. Sponsored by the Department of Performing and Fine Arts, the Garaventa Center, and the Dundon Berchtold Institute. For ADA accommodations or more information contact PFA at x7228 or brown@up.edu.