The Clark Library set new records for numbers of people in the building every month during fall semester, according to Diane Sotak, library. On average, building use was higher than previous years by 73 percent. The 19 group study rooms were in high demand as well, with an average of 3,000 people using them per […]
Diane Sotak
Official Library Open House
The Clark Library has been open for two weeks, but the official celebration will be held on Friday, September 27, from 2 to 5 p.m., according to Diane Sotak. This public open house will have refreshments, tours, and readings by our own Brian Doyle. Mark your calendars and come celebrate with us! For more information […]
Library Closure for Final Move
The reopening of the Clark Library is just around the corner, but first we must close to the public from August 2-11, according to Diane Sotak, library. This will give library staff a chance to move into the building and test drive the facility before reopening on August 12. The paging service and pick-ups for […]
Library Seating Nearly Doubles
Most of the furniture for the renovated Clark Library has been delivered and is in the process of being assembled and arranged, according to Diane Sotak, library. The previous building had seating for 400 and now there is a wide variety of seating for 700. The seating is colorful and includes task chairs, easy chairs, […]
Hard Hat Library Tours
All are welcome to sign up for the next interior tours of the Clark Library on February 26 or February 27, according to Diane Sotak, library. Reserve your spot by e-mailing Kathy Riddell O’Connell at Tours meet at 3:45 p.m. in the Franz Hall lobby and last 45 minutes to an hour. Closed-toe shoes […]