The performing and fine arts department will present a number of concerts in the coming weeks, according to David De Lyser, PFA: Brothers Sing On: A Celebration of Male Choral Singing, Saturday, February 10, 3 p.m., Buckley Center Auditorium. Free, all welcome. Featuring men’s choruses from the University of Portland, Pacific University, PCC-Rock Creek, Liberty High School, Pacific […]
David DeLyser
UP Orchestra, Wind Symphony Concert: Oct. 1
The University of Portland Music Program opens its 2016-2017 concert season on Saturday, October 1, at 7:30 p.m., in Buckley Center Auditorium with performances by the University Orchestra and Wind Symphony. The concert is free and open to all. The Wind Symphony, under the direction of guest conductor and UP alumna Kylie Pybus, will feature […]