Be a good American citizen and join us for the annual Constitution Day Event on Thursday, September 15, at 5 p.m. in D-B 004! This year we are hosting Law Professor Ofer Raban, who will discuss his recent book, The Silent Prologue: How Judicial Philosophies Shape Our Constitutional Rights (George Mason University Press, 2020). Professor Raban teaches constitutional law, jurisprudence, […]
Constitution Day
Constitution Day, Citizenship Day, Sept. 17: Resources, Information
On September 17, 1776, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention met for the last time to sign the document they had created, the US Constitution. In 2004, the US Congress mandated that any educational institution that receives Federal funding is required to hold educational programming about the US Constitution. This commemoration had its origin in […]
Constitution Day Presentation, Sept. 13
On Tuesday, September 13, the Department of Political Science will conduct a presentation in honor of Constitution Day, titled “Is the System Fair? Perspectives on the American Electoral System,” in St. Mary’s Lounge at 7 p.m. This presentation will discuss the constitutional foundation of the electoral system in the United States and then consider the implications […]