The Office of Alumni Relations is accepting nominations for the 2013 Thomas A. Gerhardt Award for Student Leadership, according to Ken Hallenius, alumni relations. Criteria for selection: Student must be a graduating senior; Student must have demonstrated leadership throughout his or her undergraduate career; Student must demonstrate consistent dedication to the University and the community […]
Doyle In The Running
Portland Magazine editor Brian Doyle has been nominated for two Oregon Book Awards: Bin Laden’s Bald Spot was nominated for the Ken Kesey Award for Fiction, and his Cat’s Foot was nominated for the Leslie Bradshaw Award for Young Adult Literature. Winners will be announced at the 26th Oregon Book Awards ceremony on April 8, […]
Conner named coach of the year
Pilots cross-country coach RobConner has been named the Men’s Cross Country Coach of the Year for the West Region, the U.S. Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association (USTFCCCA) announced on Tuesday, November 20. Conner, who was named the West Coast Conference Coach of the Year earlier this season, has coached a young Portland […]
CISGO Students Honored
Three UP students have been awarded CISGO (Collaborative in International Studies and Global Outreach) sponsorships to attend the student-led Human Development Conference on February 8-9 at the University of Notre Dame, according to Kate Regan, CISGO chair. The students are: Julia Sheets, civil engineering, environmental track and Spanish minor; Ruby Machado, political science and Spanish; […]
Portland Magazine Wins Bronze
The Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) has announced that the University’s quarterly journal, Portland Magazine, won a national bronze medal for writing for Brian Doyle’s summer 2011 editorial essay, “Boots.” The medal is the most recent of Portland Magazine’s uninterrupted 19-year run of national medals for excellence. For more information contact […]
Northwest Passages First Again
The spring 2012 edition of the history department’s student journal, Northwest Passages, has again been awarded first prize in the Gerald D. Nash History Journal competition, the second year in a row that the journal has received first prize and the fourth time overall. Special recognition goes to faculty advisor Mark Eifler and student editors […]
Debate and Speech Union
The University of Portland’s Speech and Debate Union successfully participated in the Orv Iverson & Krista Bacon-Vickery Memorial Forensics Tournament at Clark College in Vancouver, Washington, over the weekend of December 8-9, according to Brian Simmons and Bohn Lattin, communication studies: Anna Murphy (business) won 1st place speaker in the Novice Division of Debate with […]
2012 University Staff Awards
Employee awards for 2012 were presented at the annual employees’ holiday banquet on Thursday, December 22. The winners are: Sandy Galati, physical plant, won the MargaretW. Henzi Award for outstanding office/clerical employees, and was cited as “the primary conduit through which literally thousands of work orders pass every year…by virtue of the nature of her […]