With the return to on-campus work and the arrival of students, their families and other visitors in mid-August, it will be important to diligently follow the latest strongly recommended health and safety guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), Oregon Health Authority and Multnomah County pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic and the highly-contagious Delta variant. Please note the following requirements for our UP campus and off-campus UP events:
- Masks and Face Coverings – Effective Monday, August 2nd, the University is reinstating its face covering requirement for all individuals while inside University and campus buildings, regardless of vaccination status. This requirement is subject to the same exceptions previously in place, which include that face coverings are not required in private office space, private laboratories, dorm rooms, and (of course) while eating and drinking on campus. Additionally, any instructor in a classroom who is behind a screen or shield, or any speaker at a podium who is at least six feet away from their audience, is not required to wear a face covering or mask.
- Masks and face coverings are not required in any outdoor space on campus for any individual, vaccinated or unvaccinated. However, those who feel more comfortable wearing a mask outdoors, and those who are immunocompromised or live with immunocompromised individuals, are certainly welcome to wear a mask in outdoor spaces.
- Note that if you have received an exemption from the University’s vaccination requirement, you must adhere to the mask/face covering guidance that you have received in connection with your exemption.
The University will revisit this policy before September 17, taking into account the latest county, state and federal guidelines and recommendations.
- COVID-19 Testing – UP will no longer administer surveillance testing for COVID-19. Any student exhibiting symptoms should call the Health & Counseling Center (HCC) for further assistance. The HCC is able to provide COVID-19 testing for students, or they may pick up a self-administered COVID-19 test from the Campus Safety office or one’s own residence hall. You should also contact the Health & Counseling Center for further assistance. Any staff or faculty member who is feeling sick, even if not related to COVID-19 symptoms, should stay home and contact their personal healthcare provider and their supervisor.
- Daily Symptom Monitoring – UP community members are no longer required to check-in daily using the Carbon Health or Campus Clear apps. All members are asked to continue to self-monitor personal health symptoms for any signs of illness; contact one’s primary health care provider for advice; or for students, please contact the HCC.
- If you still have not uploaded your vaccination status or formally requested an exemption, please do so as soon as possible at https://www.up.edu/pilotsprevent/vaccinations/. We must do all we can to ensure a safe and lasting return to campus, and the resumption of in-person University classes and operations. Additional information about UP’s management of COVID-19 can also be found on the Pilots Prevent website: https://www.up.edu/pilotsprevent
Thank you, and Go Pilots!