As the campus ministry office prepares for its annual Spring Encounter with Christ Retreat from March 22-24, faculty and staff are asked to consider writing letters of support (palanca) for the students they know who wil participate in the retreat, according to Beth Barsotti, campus ministry. Each retreatant will receive an envelope of surprise palanca—unexpected expressions of appreciation and support that lift someone’s spirits; they usually take the form of a brief note or letter. This is an opportunity to encourage students and express appreciation for them outside the classroom. Please do not discuss this concept with any students, whether or not they are on this Encounter. A list of retreatants and instructions for writing and submitting palanca can be found at
Please submit to the campus ministry offices in the Pilot House or St. Mary’s, marked “Encounter Retreat—(student’s name)” by Wednesday, March 20. For more information contact Barsotti at or 7463.