Effective July 1, Bryn Sopko, director of human resources, will become the University’s Title IX Coordinator. Bryn will replace Elayne Shapiro, who has filled the role since July 2011. As a reminder, all inquiries concerning the application of Title IX and its implementing regulations may be referred to the University’s Title IX coordinator, deputy Title IX coordinator, or to the assistant secretary for civil rights of the Department of Education. The University’s Title IX coordinator and deputy Title IX coordinator are:
- Bryn M. Sopko Title IX Coordinator, Director of Human Resources 501 Waldschmidt Hall, MSC 168 (503) 943-8987 or sopko@up.edu
- Kristina S. Houck Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Training and Education Kenna Hall 027, MSC 147 (503) 943-8125 or houckk@up.edu
For more information contact Danielle Hermanny, general counsel and executive assistant to the president, at 7401 or hermanny@up.edu.