Due to a dramatic rise in the scope and sophistication of phishing attacks targeting UP staff, information services will be deploying Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for specific services on campus. The enrollment process should take about 5 minutes and it will significantly enhance the security of your account and personal information.
MFA combines two or more independent credentials to gain access to a system. These credentials include something you know (username/password) and something you have (token/smart phone/office phone). The goal of MFA is to create a multilayered approach that makes it difficult for any unauthorized individual to gain access to a system. If one factor is compromised, such as your password, the attacker will still need the other factor to gain access.
MFA will be deployed to staff this summer, with specific departments served week-to-week as we roll out MFA. Further communications will come from Curt Pederson, CIO, detailing installation and setup instructions.