Starting in May 2022, Dave Houglum is offering leadership coaching for UP faculty, staff, and athletic coaches at no charge. This is a great opportunity for anyone who desires a collaborator and thought partner who will help them make forward progress toward their goals and deepening their learning and awareness.
About Dave Houglum’s background as a professional leadership and executive coach:
In April of 2021 Dave earned the CPCC certificate (Certified Professional Co-Active Coach) from the Co-Active Training Institute by completing over 200 hours of training, 100+ hours of coaching clients, feedback on multiple recorded coaching sessions with individual coach supervisors, group coaching supervision, mentor coaching, and final practical exam. The Co-Active Training Institute is widely recognized as the most rigorous professional coach training and certification program in the industry and is known as the “gold standard” of coaching by the Institute of Coaching, a Harvard Medical School affiliate. Additionally, he earned the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential through the International Coaching Federation and is currently progressing toward the next credential level. Within UP, Dave provides leadership coaching to undergraduate students, faculty, staff, and athletic coaches. Dave also serves in the International Coaching Federation Oregon Chapter’s pro-bono coaching initiative, where he provides leadership coaching to non-profit executives in the Portland metro area.
Here is what the process looks like, if you are interested:
- 30-minute intro session–to meet you, give you more information about coaching and the process, hear about what your goals are/how you’d like to grow as a leader, and determine if you’d like to proceed.
- 8 – 12, 1-hour leadership coaching sessions during the course of 4-6 months (your choice, 6 months is most common, but flexibility is given to meet your needs and have this be the most powerful experience for you).
Additional Details:
- Coaching is conducted via Zoom or phone.
- Participants and session content are strictly confidential.
- Participants help drive the coaching process by bringing topics that are important to them to the sessions (topics vary widely, but are often focused on the development of specific leadership skills and mindsets, goal achievement and fulfillment, areas you want to deepen your awareness and learning, and areas where you feel stuck that you want to change).
“Dave is as affirming, insightful, reflective, and resourced of a coach as anyone could ask for! His clear passion for facilitating the growth of others is itself motivating, and he creates the ideal safe-yet-charged-for-change environment that empowers his clients to participate actively in their own assessment, exploration, and formation. Through coaching with Dave, I was able to dedicate time to focus on areas of personal struggle and freedom that I’d long found difficult to address. In less than a year, I’m well on my way to overcoming personal hurdles I’ve faced for nearly 3 decades. Thank you, Dave!” – H. P.
“Dr. David Houglum is dedicated, resourceful, thoughtful, and creative as a coach who appreciates and approaches his clients as being whole from the beginning, guiding them to find and develop their own full potential. In his coaching sessions he is offering a safe and rich environment and a large toolbox for self-assessment and personal growth. Thank you, Dave, for your insightful guidance to what leadership could mean to me in my different roles.” – E.B.
“Dave’s coaching is the epitome of empowerment. His passion for helping others find their leader within and to connect with one’s authentic, best self allowed him to meet me where I was and explore what was next for me on my journey. Dave’s commitment to coaching people as fully capable, creative and resourceful beings helped me find my footing through my struggles with becoming a coach myself and empowered me to discover what it means for me to live a life aligned with my values. Thank you, Dave, for your curiosity, empathy and the care you put into co-creating tools to put in my toolbox!” – A.D.
If you are interested in receiving leadership coaching, please complete the very short interest form found here: https://uportland.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0omNwHBLo0Fqv9Y by Friday, April 22 at 5 p.m.