Innovation is the journey of creating meaning and value. We develop an innovative mindset through the practices of human-centered design and creative problem solving.
Joining the Innovation Minor is easier than ever. The application process has been streamlined to provide equal access for any student interested in joining the program. Students can simply register for INV200 SP24 (Intro to Design and Innovation) and declare the minor upon successful completion of the course.
The Innovation Minor is open to all students at University of Portland. First and second year students are encouraged to apply and scholarships and awards of up to $5,000 are available.
But wait, there’s more! For Seniors and Juniors of all majors, INV350 (Critical Sketching, Making, and Prototyping), is open as an elective. Dive into the world of innovation, where ideas come to life through sketches, prototypes, and hands-on making. Whether you’re a seasoned “maker” or a newbie, this course is your gateway to mastering the art of innovation. A $100 course fee applies for materials and a local field trip.
For more information, visit https://www.up.edu/franzcenter/innovation/innovation-minor.html or contact Salvador Orara, Director of Innovation, (orara@up.edu)