The sunshine held out longer than expected, alas cold and snow have arrived.
Please review the information and updates below from Facilities Services and Campus Safety.
- Snow Clearing: The Grounds Crew is well prepared for inclement weather. Please refer to the most recently updated snow clearing routes. Additionally, ice-melt has been delivered to certain buildings on campus for occupant use in our absence. We will prioritize campus residents and essential services.
- Driving tips: Please plan to leave 15-minutes early to allow for the following:
- Please clear any snow or ice from your vehicle before driving. These can shift and become hazards to yourself or others on the road.
- Please defrost your windows to ensure full visibility.
- Drive slowly and watch for others on the road.
- Abandoned Vehicles: If you have to abandon your vehicle in a campus roadway…or planter bed, please notify Campus Safety @ 503-943-7161.
- Long-Term Parking: If you are parking your vehicle on campus ahead of inclement weather, please consider parking in the rows nearest the edges of the lot (Library or Merlo respectively). This will make it easier for our teams to plow and clear the main lot.
- ADA Operators: Please limit ADA door operator use to those who need it. This feature is programmed to keep doors open longer than usual. Unnecessary use of ADA door operators contributes to energy waste, security risk, and wear & tear on the equipment.
- Windows: For the sake of our HVAC systems, security, and energy management, we prefer windows remain closed. However, we understand spaces may need a little extra air in which case please be sure to close windows when you vacate a space! Let’s keep the snow and cold outdoors.
- Plumbing: Exterior drinking fountains and spigots have been shutoff across campus to prevent burst pipes.
- As always, check the University website for updates!