Have you been curious about developing a new Core Exploration course but haven’t yet taken the plunge? Do you feel like you understand interdisciplinarity as a concept, but not how to put it into practice in the classroom? The Core Curriculum (Andrew Guest) and the NEH “Core Humanities” grant team (Jen McDaneld and Molly Hiro) would love to get your insights on these and other questions at a focus group discussion over lunch (on us) at the Teske Room/Holy Cross Dining Room on Friday, Feb. 24, 11:45 a.m.–1:15 p.m. (you’re welcome to join for just part of this time if you’re teaching). We’ll discuss new ideas you may have for courses, support UP might provide, and opportunities for making innovative classes happen. We’ll also offer a mini-preview of the pilot Engaged Humanities institute Jen and Molly will be leading in May (which will come with a $1,000 stipend for participants). Please email Andrew Guest (guesta@up.edu) to reserve your spot; faculty from all schools and ranks are welcome!