It is time for the University of Portland’s annual Heat Safety and Wildfire Smoke Training as required by Oregon OSHA (Occupations Safety and Health Administration). This training is required for ALL employees, including those who work indoors.
Given the recent concerns about email attacks to UP accounts, we want to remind you this training is found on our intranet (PilotsUP) and requires your log in credentials to access it.
The course is located in the Moodle app and is called “Protection from Heat and Wildfire Smoke. ” For anyone unfamiliar with Moodle, you may navigate to Moodle from the external UP website by following these steps:
The training may also be accessed at the link below:
Please note you must open all required attachments in the course and complete the Heat and Smoke Safety Training Verification Quiz in the Moodle course for the training to be considered completed.
The course should take no more than 30 minutes and we ask that you please ensure that you complete this required training at your earliest convenience.
Additional information about heat safety requirements are available here and more information about wildfire smoke safety requirements are available here.
Your questions and requests for assistance are welcome! Please contact Sarah Schmits, EHS Officer at ehs@up.edu. If you are having technical difficulties please contact the Help Desk at help@up.edu.