Have you been wondering how you can get involved to make our world a better place for future generations? Or maybe you just want to make UP a safer place for students, faculty, and staff to live, learn and work. We’ve got a few ideas for you!
- Attend an upcoming Green Dot Faculty/Staff Overview to learn bystander intervention skills and be better prepared to do something when you see the warning signs of interpersonal violence.
- Monday, January 27 at 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m. in Lower Level Orrico
- Join the Interpersonal Violence Prevention Taskforce. This is a team of faculty, staff, and students that will meet 2 times each semester to discuss community concerns, create violence prevention curriculum, identify necessary interventions, and create avenues for enacting them across campus.
Email advocate@up.edu to sign up or visit the link below for more options.