Robert W. Franz Chair in Entrepreneurship and Executive Director Robin Anderson has announced the creation of the Franz Center for Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation. The center, named for long-time benefactors Elsie Franz Finley and regent Robert W. Franz, is an expansion of the award-winning Center for Entrepreneurship. The center’s directors are Pete Rooks, director for leadership; Peter Rachor, director for entrepreneurship; and Eric Anctil, director for innovation.
The Leadership program will focus on the concepts of ethical leadership and inviting others to join together in addressing vital needs and goals within the program’s relationships and communities. The Entrepreneurship program combines experiential-learning opportunities with a values-based education that emphasizes integrity, opportunity recognition, risk-taking and hard work. The Innovation program will provide co-and extra-curricular experiences that equip students with the skills to make their ideas reality. For more information e-mail or go to