News for and about University of Portland faculty and staff.
Flip Your Classroom: A TLC Workshop for All Faculty on February 23
One promising practice for deepening students’ engagement with material in just about every discipline is “flipping the classroom,” in which the teacher provides background information to students online prior to face-to-face class sessions, in which learners then play with the ideas, solve complex problems drawing on the content, and many variations on that theme. UP’s Teaching & Learning Collaborative invites all faculty to an interactive workshop facilitated by Zach Simmons, psychological sciences; Rebecca Gaudino, theology; and Lindsay Benes, nursing; all of whom “flip” some of their classes, and all of whom do so differently. Each will share their model and field questions about what has worked and not worked for them. They promise time for discussion and hands-on trials for those who bring their own devices. The workshop will be in Franz 120 on Thursday, February 23, 3:30-5 p.m. RSVP to Karen Eifler at