Fire drills will occur in all campus buildings at the beginning of the fall 2022 semester. All fire drills in classroom buildings will occur on September 7 or September 8. Faculty and staff should be aware of the evacuation routes for the building that they work in. Faculty should review emergency planning information with students on the first day of class, including building evacuation routes and what to do in the event of a fire or other emergency. Faculty should identify the quickest escape route from their classroom along with a secondary route if available in case the primary route is inaccessible. Faculty should identify a location outside and away from the building where the class can meet to ensure all students are accounted for. On the date of the fire drill faculty should instruct students to meet at the designated location and wait outside the building until they are granted permission to return to the building. Avoid gathering directly outside the building and instead move away from the building. Additional information on fire safety is available here. Faculty and staff are required to exit the building in the event of a fire alarm. All fire alarms should be treated like a real emergency.