The Public Research Fellows program invites all faculty to join us for an Engaged Humanities Lunch Conversation on the topic of technology in the classroom. While an ever-increasing reliance on tech often takes on an air of inevitability, there are compelling reasons to consider the effects of these shifts—on learning outcomes, on students’ mental health, on our abilities to make connections with one another as members of a classroom community.
Building off the conversation we hosted last semester about AI in education, this time around we want to take a step back and explore more broadly the role that screens play in our pedagogy and potential alternatives for thinking about how we use (or don’t use) technology in our teaching. We’ll use Molly Worthen’s short article “Why Universities Should be More Like Monasteries” to ground our discussion, exploring the ways we teach with or without technology and imagining other ways to think about the relationship between our screens, our students, and our goals.
Wednesday, 3/27, 12:00-1:15 p.m. in the Teske Dining Room.
If you’re interested, join us for lunch on us!
RSVP to Jen McDaneld (mcdaneld@up.edu) by Thursday, March 21.