Hello, everyone! I am Sarah Nuxoll, and I work in the Clark Library. For the past two years I have been gathering together with other fantastic UP employees as part of the UP employee Disability Affinity Group. If you identify as having any type of disability (mobility, sensory, learning, psychological, emotional, trauma-related, chronic illness, or others) and are looking for a community to connect, advocate, support each other, and collaboratively brainstorm together, please reach out! Names of group members are kept confidential within the group.
We understand that the word “disability” means many things to many people and can be seen negatively. In the Disability Affinity Group, we are reclaiming disability in a positive way, to build disability culture and pride. I feel and honor our unique creative processes, our wisdom born of lived experience, and our profound ways of making meaning in a chaotic world.
Please email me at nuxolls@up.edu for more information.