Stephanie Salomone, mathematics, was interviewed about “Picture a Mathematician: An Allyship Workshop for Building Gender Equity in the Mathematical Sciences,” developed and facilitated with Stan Yoshinobu, University of Toronto. The interview was for a podcast hosted by Gudrun Thäter of the Karlsruher Institüt für Technologie, and can be found at
Simon Aihiokhai, theology, presented “Embracing A Eucharistic Humanity: Insights on Interfaith Encounters for Our Times.” A Lecture given at the Oregon Interfaith Hub. (Virtually). January 30, 2022. Simon was also interviewed for the following work: “Christian Scholars Think We’re Spending Too Much on War,” by Mitchell Atencio. Sojourners Magazine. February 2, 2022.
Toyin Olukotun, nursing, co-published “Application of Postcolonial Feminist Theory, Chicana Feminist Thought, and Black Feminist Thought in Analyzing the Mental Health Needs of Latina Migrant Farmworkers: A Shared Legacy.” Advances in Nursing Science. November 10, 2021.
Matthew Warshawsky, international languages and cultures, contributed two previous publications to Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800, vol. 302 (Gale/Cengage, 2022), pp. 36-60: a chapter from his dissertation and the article “A Spanish Converso’s Quest for Justice: The Life and Dream Fiction of Antonio Enríquez Gómez.” Shofar 23.3 (2005).
Nicole Ralston, education, along with student, Rachel Blakely co-published “Student teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: Navigating being both student and teacher.” AILACTE (Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education) Journal, 18(1), 55-79.
Matthew Kuhn, engineering, published “Multi-scale simulation of wave propagation and liquefaction in a one- dimensional soil column: hybrid DEM and finite-difference procedure,” Acta Geotechnica, 2021.