Randy Hetherington, education, co-presented “Preparing Post-COVID Professionals: Re-imagining Pre-Service Training.” Paper presentation at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) conference. March 2022. “Managing Multiple Environments: Are Post-COVID Professionals Prepared?”Paper presentation at the Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges of Teacher Education (AILACTE) conference. March 2022. “Post Pandemic Early Career Teachers: Are They Prepared?” Paper presented at the Oregon Association […]
Chloe Littzen, nursing, presented Nursology.net: What’s in it for nursing students? January 2022. Littzen also co-presented A radical deconstruction of the theoretical boundaries in health disparity research at the Nursing Theory Annual Conference. Co-presenters: Lucinda Canty and Mike Taylor. March 2022. Kelly Fox, nursing, published “Innovation and partnerships: Meeting the health care needs of a […]
Simon Aihiokhai, theology, published Book Review: The New Diaspora and the Global Prophetic. Engaging the Scholarship of Marc H. Ellis. Edited by Susanne Scholz and Santiago Slabodsky. Forward by Susannah Heschel. Lanham/Boulder/New York/London: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2021. Xiv, 307 pp. $100.00. ISBN: 9781978706249. In Theological Studies. Volume 83. No. 1 (2022): 167 – 169. March 2022. […]
Lora Looney, international languages & cultures, earned a four-course graduate certificate in Learning Design and Technology from Harvard Extension School in January. Looney also participated in a competitive grant challenge at ShapingEdu hosted by ASU with her team, Emerging Microcredentials Standards, led by Allison Hall, ASU, and David Thomas, U Denver. The team pitched a web-based […]
Karen Eifler, Garaventa Center, co-presented a half-day workshop, along with Karin Botto of LeMoyne College, to the Women Executive Leaders in Catholic Higher Education on February 4 in Washington, DC. Their session, “Uniquely Empowered: Integrating Contemplative Practices into Catholic Higher Education Leadership,” was part of the national meeting of the Association of Catholic Colleges and […]
Stephanie Salomone, mathematics, was interviewed about “Picture a Mathematician: An Allyship Workshop for Building Gender Equity in the Mathematical Sciences,” developed and facilitated with Stan Yoshinobu, University of Toronto. The interview was for a podcast hosted by Gudrun Thäter of the Karlsruher Institüt für Technologie, and can be found at https://www.math.kit.edu/ianm4/seite/ma-allyship/en. Simon Aihiokhai, theology, presented “Embracing […]
Nicole Ralston, education, published “Preparing skilled, equity-minded teacher-scholars: The role of research methods coursework,” in R.A.C.E. Mentoring and P-12 Educators: Practitioners Contributing to Scholarship (pp. 17-34); A. J. Griffen and R. Crawford (Eds.); Information Age Publishing. Michael Cameron, theology, published “How Did Augustine Understand Reading Texts ad litteram [in the literal sense]?” in Studia Patristica, vol. CXVIII, Papers of […]
Aziz Inan, engineering, wrote “Interesting Letters, by George” in The Columbian. Amber Vermeesch, nursing, will present an in-person PechaKucha presentation of Nature-Based Intervention Study: Finding Enduring Revitalization in Nature Among Undergraduate Senior Nursing Students along with co-presenter Layla Garrigues and student co-presenter Kira Mattesat Sigma Theta Tau International’s 33rd International Nursing Research Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, […]
Aziz Inan, engineering, wrote “Interesting Letters, by George” in The Columbian. Amber Vermeesch, nursing, will present an in-person PechaKucha presentation of Nature-Based Intervention Study: Finding Enduring Revitalization in Nature Among Undergraduate Senior Nursing Students along with co-presenter Layla Garrigues and student co-presenter Kira Mattesat Sigma Theta Tau International’s 33rd International Nursing Research Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, […]
Jon Stanfill, theology, has been elected to a new four-year term on the Kalama City Council. Since being appointed two years ago, he has served as the Council’s liaison to the Kalama Police Department and Chamber of Commerce. Jeff Kerssen-Griep, communication studies, participated in a “high density panel” Conflict Transformation: Envisioning and Responding to Enact […]