Andra Davis, Nursing & Health Innovations, co-authored “Nursing Education” in Oxford Textbook of Palliative Nursing (6th ed). Chapter 77. Oxford University Press. Co-author: Megan Lippe. July 2023. Davis also co-authored “Evaluation of an Educational Program for Nurses Providing Cancer Symptom Management: The pan-Canadian Oncology Symptom Triage and Remote Support Online Tutorial” in the Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 33(2), […]
Cara Hersh, honors program, will participate in the Association of American Colleges and Universities: Curriculum to Careers Institute. August 2023. Genevieve Brassard, English, published a review of Juno Richards’ The Fury Archives: Female Citizenship, Human Rights, and the International Avant-Gardes (Columbia UP, 2020) in The Space Between Journal 18 (2022). Published online May 2023. Tamar More, physics, served as steering committee co-chair, […]
Claire McKinley-Yoder, Nursing & Health Innovations, co-published “Fall Prevention Care Management: Implementation and Outcomes of a Project to Reduce Fall Risks of Older Adults in Assisted Living Facilities” in the Journal of Nursing Care Quality (published online ahead of final publication). Co-author: Hiroko Kiyoshi-Teo. May 2023. Chloe Littzen, Nursing & Health Innovations, presented “Philosophical ‘isms’ in Nursing Science: What […]
Andra Davis, school of nursing and health innovations, published “Transforming Nurse Self-Care Through Integration of Spirituality: Lessons from an International Collaboration in Palliative Care” in The Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 34(1), 91-99. Simon Aihiokhai, theology, published “Honoring Teresia Mbari Hinga, A Theologian Who Dared to Think” in the National Catholic Reporter. April 19, 2023. Aihiokhai also published “A […]
Matthew Warshawsky, international languages and cultures, taught a five-part course via Zoom called “From Jews to New Christians to New Jews: Sephardic Identity in the Early Modern Era” for the nonaffiliated Jewish Graduate Study Program, February–March 2023. He also served as an invited speaker for a virtual program of the Museum of Jewish Heritage—A Living […]
Karen Eifler, Garaventa Center, had her essay “Why Religion Needs Ted Lasso” published in National Catholic Reporter on March 18, 2023. Lezlie Cross, performing and fine arts, presented as a part of a panel: “Household Critics,” Renaissance Society of America, San Juan Puerto Rico, March 2023. Sponsored by the Hudson Strode Program in Renaissance Studies. […]
Alice Gates, social work, was an Associate Editor on the recently published Encyclopedia of Macro Social Work, edited by Darlyne Bailey and Terry Mizrahi. Published by Oxford University Press, this 3-volume set (also available electronically) includes 200 long-form overview articles focused on macro-relevant social work topics, including practice in community, organizational, and policy settings. Gates also participated in […]
Rebekah Hanson, performing and fine arts, co-published “Chamber Music by Female Composers: A Pedagogical Analysis and Historical Overview” in American String Teacher Journal, 73 (1), 41-48, February 2023. Student co-authors: Amber Shen, Tyler Lawrence, and Corryn Bottenfield. Simon Aihiokhai, theology, is currently serving as a peer reviewer of Exchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. […]
Salvador Orara, engineering, lectured and facilitated a workshop on design and innovation with the Graduate Integrated Design Online Program at the USC Iovine and Young Academy for the Arts, Technology, and Business Innovation. The event supported graduate students in advancing their creativity and critical thinking skills in exploring and developing ideas that seek to redefine the […]
Stephanie Salomone, mathematics, presented “A Leadership Toolkit for Advancing Change,” (with Susan Elrod, Indiana University South Bend, Adriana Kezar, USC, Andrew Lawson, CSUMB, Angel Gonzalez, USC), AAC&U Annual Meeting: Reclaiming Liberal Education, San Francisco, CA. January,2023. Dave Houglum, director of leadership, presented a two-hour leadership workshop to the University of Portland Theater Club Board entitled, […]