Nick McRee, sociology and social work, presented “Parental Allocations of Allowance and Pocket Money Among US Adolescents” at the Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, April 2017. He also presented “Retrospective Assessments of Drug Court Participation: Data From a Sample of Adult Drug Treatment Court Graduates” (with Alicia McKay). Olivia Coiado, engineering, coauthored “The Negative Chronotropic […]
Matthew Warshawsky, international languages and cultures, presented on April 2 “Confluence and Conflict: A Space for Jews among Muslims and Christians in Medieval Spain” to a group from Congregation Beth Israel in Portland that will be traveling to Spain shortly. Anissa Rogers, sociology and social work, coauthored “Innovative Experiential Learning Activities in Aging: The Experiences […]
Simon Aihiokhai, theology, was cited in a panel discussion on “Institutional Witness: The University and the Work of Evangelization,” organized by the Committee on Doctrine of United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for the Bishops Meeting with the Learned Societies, Friday, March 24, 2017, at the USCCB office in Washington, D.C.
Nancy Copic, assistant director for student media, presented “Diving into All-Digital” at the College Media Association conference in New York City with Beacon editors Malika Andrews and Clare Duffy on March 12. Their presentation to student journalists and student media advisors from around the country focused on The Beacon’s recent transition from a weekly newspaper to a 24/7 […]
Kevin Jones, sociology and social work, presented “Advancing social sustainability in the public sector: Using assessment tools and indicators” as an invited lecture for Partners for a Sustainable Washington County Community, Hillsboro, Ore. , March 2017. Khalid Khan, engineering, was featured in an article titled “Islamic community finds home sweet home: County’s most visible Muslim figure helped found […]
Michael Cameron, theology, gave an invited lecture on Feb. 22 at Gonzaga University for its series honoring the retirement of Fr. Patrick Hartin, called “Reading the Bible with the Early Church: Syriac, Greek, and Latin.” The lecture, entitled “The Rhetorical Function of Scripture in Augustine’s Confessions,” explored how Saint Augustine of Hippo (d. 430) created his narrative self-portrayal as a mosaic […]
Natalie Nelson-Marsh, communication studies, wrote “Boundary spanning” in International encyclopedia of organizational communication, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishers (2017). It is an invited, peer reviewed competitive piece. Kimberly Ilosvay, education, presented “Teacher Motivation” at a symposium conducted at the Transforming the Nation conference for Minsitry of Education, Kampala, Uganda, Feb. 2017. She also presented “How Students Learn” (with Steve Keleman, […]
Tisha Morrell, education, gave a symposium on “Teacher Preparation in Oregon with a Comparison to Korean Teacher Preparation Programs” to faculty and graduate students at both Kangwon National University (Chuncheon) and Ewha Woman’s University (Seoul), South Korea. Simon Aihiokhai, theology, had his review of Racism and the Image of God, by Karen Teel, published in The Journal of […]
Rebecca Gaudino, theology; Barbara Braband nursing; and Anissa Rogers, social work, published “Entering Into Suffering: Becoming a Transformed and Transforming Healer” in the Journal of Christian Nursing (January-March, 2017, Volume 34, Number1). The piece is also featured on the journal’s cover. Mead Hunter, performing & fine arts, recently published a paper in Etudes journal entitled “From Conflict […]
A team of four engineering students received a $2,000 award from the Oregon Space Grant Consortium to assist them with their senior capstone project. The team is working to design, manufacture, and test a small-scale jet engine over the course of the year. The team has been developing theoretical models for the combustion chamber design, […]