Aziz Inan, engineering, had his article, “Farewell to a Brilliant Genius with Dozen Oddities,” published by Top1000 News at this link. Jeffrey Gauthier, philosophy, presented commentary on Olivia Whitney Brown, “From Suspending to Substantiating: Proust as a Resource for Hegel’s Concept of Habit,” American Philosophical Association, San Diego, March 31, 2018. Andrew Guest, psychology, contributed […]
Peter Pappas, education, was one of 50 presenters at “PressED: A WordPress and Education, Pedagogy and Research Conference on Twitter,” on Thursday, March 29. The conference is made up of sessions based on 10-15 tweets in a fifteen minute period of time (plus follow up twitter discussion). Presenters can add videos, gifs, slides, links or […]
Anissa Rogers, social work, was selected as a fellow for the NIH/NIAAA Alcohol and Other Drugs Education Program, to be held in Denver, Colo., in summer 2018. Matthew Rygg, associate vice president for student development, appeared on the AM Northwest morning show (KATU), talking about ways parents can support their children in college. See the segment at this […]
Kevin Jones, social work, completed the 32-hour Mental Health First Aid USA Instructor Course, and is now qualified to teach the 8-hour Adult Mental Health First Aid training. The MHFA course teaches skills for providing initial help to people experiencing mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, psychosis, and substance use disorders. The course took place in […]
Chris Haug, residence life, presented “Moral Distress Among Student Conduct Administrators: A National Study” and “Emerging Professionals: Considerations for New Student Conduct Administrators based on the Theory of Professional Capital” (with Jennifer Waller) at the Association for Student Conduct Administration (ASCA) Conference in Jacksonville, Florida, on February 22, 2018. Anissa Rogers, social work, (with Melinda Laus) presented a […]
Eli Goldwyn, mathematics, recently received a “Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (CURM) Minigrant” to fund a student research group for next academic year. The UP group will be paired with a group led by a PCC instructor. CURM is funded by a National Science Foundation grant. See more here. Ted Eckmann, environmental science, wrote […]
Ami Ahern-Rindell attended the WORLD Symposium on Lysosomal Storage Disorders in San Diego February 5th to the 9th. This international conference brings together researchers, clinicians, and patient advocacy groups to promote translational outcomes. Dr. Ahern-Rindell presented “A Variant of GM1 Gangliosidosis in a Sheep Model” based on her collaborative research with UP students. Rich Gritta, business, […]
Andrew Eshleman, philosophy, delivered a colloquium lecture on “Agency at its Best: Some Religious Models” and led two philosophy faculty workshops on teaching Chinese philosophy at Western Washington University, Feb. 1-2, 2018. Eduardo Contreras, studies abroad, coauthored a chapter called, “Underrepresentation in Education Abroad” in a book that was just published by Stylus Publishing and NAFSA called, Promoting […]
Lorretta Krautscheid, nursing, presented “Moral resilience – a strategy to attenuate moral distress among student nurses,” (with Laura Mood and student co-presenters Taylor Mossman and Marie Wagner) at the International Conference and Exhibition on Nursing, LasVegas, NV, January 29, 2018. Stephanie Salomone, mathematics, presented “I was Following the Yellow Brick Road and it Took a Hard Left” at the […]
Michael Cameron, theology, wrote “Augustine and John’s Gospel from Conversion to Confessiones,” published in Augustinian Studies 48:1-2 (2017), 263-78, November 2017. He also wrote “Kerygma Petrou” and “Law: Early Latin Christianity” in Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, eds. Christine Helmer, et al. (Berlin: Walter De Gruyter), vol. 15: 139-40, October 2017, and presented “Augustine’s Early Readings of Genesis,” […]