Aziz Inan, engineering, had his article, “18 numerical oddities for Madiba’s 100th birthday,” published in IOL (Independent Online), the digital offering of Independent Media, one of South Africa’s leading multi-platform content companies. The article celebrates the 100th birthday of the late Nelson Mandela, whose traditional Xhosa clan name was Madiba.
Sharon Jones, engineering, served as guest editor, Advances in Engineering Education Journal Special Issue, “Overcoming Challenges with Advancing Ethics Education for Engineering Students,” July 2018-November 2019.
Kathleen Bieryla, engineering, presented “Biomechanics of single stair climb with implications for humanoid robot control” (with Christine Buffinton and student co-presenter Roberta Blaho) and “Quantifying fatigue and perceived levels of exertion in collegiate field hockey athletes during pre-season” (with Ryan Snyder, Jeremy Cook, and student co-presenter Amy Lowe) at the World Congress of Biomechanics , Dublin, IE, July 8-12, 2018.