Tammy VanDeGrift, Engineering, presented: “Resume Revisions to Document Learning Outcomes in a Computational Biology Course.” VanDeGrift also co-facilitated a workshop with Dr. Shereen Khoja, Pacific University, entitled: “Computer Science Assignments and Activities that Support Academic Belonging”. Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Northwestern Conference. October 11-12, 2024 Matthew Warshawsky, International Languages and Cultures, published: “Mis […]
Aziz Inan, Engineering, published: “Happy 100th Birthday, President Jimmy Carter!” IndiaWest Journal. October 2, 2024. Eugene Urnezius, Chemistry, published: “Structural, spectroscopic and electrochemical characterizations of new 2,5-bis(phosphoranyl)-3,6-diaminoquinones.” Coauthor: Edward Valente. Student Coauthors: Madison Lear, Connor McLoughlin, Alea Ha, Joshua Paul, Amanda Graveson, Nathan Phan, Timothy Dobson, Natalie Cawker. Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements, 1-12. […]
Esther Gravis, Nursing & Health Innovations, published “Active learning strategies to increase student engagement in an undergraduate nursing pediatric course.” Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 19(4), 360. September, 2024. Simon Aihiokhai, Theology, presented “Towards a Fellowship of Life: Bridging the Memory Gap between African and African American Pastoral Workers in the United States.” Virtual lecture at a […]
Andra Davis, Nursing & Health Innovations, published “Instruments for Evaluating Student Learning Outcomes in Palliative Care: A Literature Review.” Co-authors: Lippe, M., Wingett, G., Jizba, T., Ehrlich, O., Fasolino, T., Meskis, S., LeBlanc, R., Weiss, D., and Kirkpatrick, A. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 10-1097. July 2024. Marjorie Attis-Josias, Nursing & Health Innovations, was accepted into the American […]
David Wynne, Laura Dyer, and Molly Matty, Biology, have been awarded a $466,187 grant from the National Science Foundation to fund the acquisition of a Spinning-Disk Confocal Microscope, an instrument capable of taking very fast high-resolution images. This microscope will enhance the level of research and training the PIs are able to provide at UP to expose the […]
Susan McDaniel, Music, performed a recital of European art song with the world-renowned operatic baritone Alessandro Corbelli under the auspices of the annual Music in the Marche opera and chamber music training program in Mondavio, Italy. July 2024. In case you missed it, Campus Ministry had a viral hit with their Instagram Reel featuring Fr. […]
Lauren Berger, Psychological Sciences, received an International Travel Grant from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (STP; Division 2 of the American Psychological Association) to present “Using VoiceThread to Increase Student Engagement and Motivation in the PSY 101 Classroom” at the Biennial International Seminar on the Teaching of Psychological Science (BISTOPS) held July 1-5, 2024 in Paris, […]
Molly Matty, Biology, published “Identification and characterization of a skin microbiome on Caenorhabditis elegans suggests environmental microbes confer cuticle protection.” Coauthors: Buck Samuel, Sreekanth Chalasani. Student Coauthors: Nadia Haghani, Robert Lampe. Microbiol Spectr 0:e00169-24. July, 2024. Rebekah Hanson, Performing and Fine Arts, is the new Musical Director of the Oregon Suzuki Institute, a non-profit music program for children […]
Alice Gates, Social Work, delivered an online workshop, “Qualitative research methods: An introduction” for the graduate program in Law and Social Rights at the Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. June 21, 2024. Bob Butler, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Studies, published a new animation “Deep Earthquakes – Where are they found?” Co-publisher […]
Genevieve Brassard, English, presented: “‘History is made by people’: Women’s Mass-Observation Diaries as Literary and Personal Re-invention.” 25th Annual Conference of the Space Between Society. Wright State University, OH. June 2024. Tammy VanDeGrift, Engineering, presented “Connecting Computer Science and the Liberal Arts: Example Activities and Assignments.” Co-author and presenter: Dr. Shereen Khoja. STEM/STEAM Hawaii University […]