Nicole Ralston, Education, published “Increasing Confidence to Implement Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices in Higher Education: Investigating the Impacts of a Book Study for STEM Educators.” Co-authors: Dillon, H., Smith, R. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 31(3), 51-70. Karen Eifler (Emerita) offered the annual Catholic Heritage Lecture at Seattle University on February […]
David Fuentes, Nursing & Health Innovations, presented “How Academic Leaders at all Levels can Benefit from a Strategic Partner.” Co-presenter: David Houglum. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Administrative & Finance Officer Session, AACP Interim Meeting. February, 2025. Fuentes also presented “Useful Practices in Succession Planning within Higher Education.” American Conference of Academic Deans (ACAD). February, […]
Simon Aihiokhai, Theology published “A Case for A Eucharistic Approach to Healthcare According to the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church.” Religions. Volume 16. No. 2. Article 172 (2025). David Fuentes, Nursing & Health Innovations, published “Connecting Power Types and Leadership Approaches in Academia can Enhance our Influence and Maximize Impact.” Co-authors: Jackson T, Purnell M, […]
Eugene Urnezius, Chemistry, published “Dehydrogenation of Formic Acid by First-Row Transition-Metal/Crown Ether Complexes Studied by Mass Spectrometry and Theoretical Calculations.” International Journal of Mass Spectrometry. 2025, 508, 117391. David Fuentes, Nursing & Health Innovations, published “Leveraging the Listening Tour as a Strategy to Help Library Leaders Acclimate to a New Organization.” Co-authors: Hughes JA, Vossler J, Pate AN. Library […]
Aziz Inan, Engineering, published, “Portland engineering professor: Happy Perfect Square Year!” Portland Tribune, December 31, 2024. Inan also published a different version of the article titled, “2025—A One-Of-Of-A-Kind Year!” IndiaWest Journal, December 31, 2024. Amanda Cardwell-Aiken, Performing Fine Arts, was the Costume Designer last November for the Northwest Premiere of Dorothy’s Dictionary by EM Lewis at 21TEN […]
An American Dream—an opera by librettist/Portland Magazine editor, Jessica Murphy Moo, and composer Jack Perla—was produced by OperaLab Japan in Tokyo (November 2024) and Manhattan School of Music (December 2024). Larry Larsen, Performing and Fine Arts, designed the scenery for this year’s production of Nordic Fire for the Portland Revels that is playing at the Alberta […]
Three faculty members from International Languages and Cultures participated in the 121st annual conference of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA), November 7-10 in Palm Springs, CA. Verena Hutter served as presiding officer and chair of both sessions on Austrian Studies. Maria Echenique presented “La Bolivia de Giorgina Levi.” Matthew Warshawsky presented “Una […]
Sarah Maines, Performing and Fine Arts, is pleased to announce that two of her students won awards in the National Association of Teachers of Singing Cascade Chapter Musical Theater Auditions, held on the UP campus on Saturday, October 26. Joe Koppy ’24 took first in the Lower College Tenor/Baritone/Bass division, and Zoe Diao ’27 took […]
Simon Aihiokhai, Theology, presented “Rethinking the Human Person Beyond the Limits of Imago Dei: Insights from the Peripheral World.” A virtual lecture given to students at The General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church. Tuesday, October 28, 2024. Aihiokhai also presented: “The Theologian as a Voice of Sacramental Disruption: Embracing a Curious Imagination”; “Theology as […]
Tammy VanDeGrift, Engineering, presented: “Resume Revisions to Document Learning Outcomes in a Computational Biology Course.” VanDeGrift also co-facilitated a workshop with Dr. Shereen Khoja, Pacific University, entitled: “Computer Science Assignments and Activities that Support Academic Belonging”. Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Northwestern Conference. October 11-12, 2024 Matthew Warshawsky, International Languages and Cultures, published: “Mis […]