Mary Pate, nursing, began her term as chair of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) Certification Corporation on July 1, 2014. She will serve a two-year term through June 30, 2016. A board member from July 2009 through June 2013, she was secretary/treasurer in 2011–2012 and chair-elect in 2013–2014. AACN Certification Corporation, the credentialing […]
School of Nursing
Nursing Poster Presentation, July 17
Xi Liu, a 2015 Doctor of Nursing Practice-Family Nurse Practitioner candidate, has been working over the past year to complete her Practice Improvement Project (PIP), a scholarly project designed to improve practice or patient outcomes. Liu will be presenting her PIP poster on Thursday, July 17, at 4-4:30 p.m., in Buckley Center room 314. The […]
UP Sponsors Third Annual New Columbia Health Fair
The University of Portland co-sponsored the third annual New Columbia Health Fair, “Love Your Body, Everybody,” at the Charles Jordan Community Center on Saturday, April 5, according to faculty sponsor Barbara Braband, nursing. Approximately ten UP nursing students participated in planning, implementing, and evaluation of the event, and worked with 13 community vendors including New […]
Doctoral Candidate Presentation, April 16
Kerri Woelfle, a 2014 Doctor of Nursing Practice/ Family Nurse Practitioner graduate, has been working over the past year to complete her Practice Improvement Project (PIP), a scholarly project designed to improve practice or patient outcomes. Woelfle will be presenting her PIP poster on Wednesday, April 16, from noon to 1 p.m., in Buckley Center […]
MAT Informational, March 18
Faculty, staff, and students are invited to a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Informational on Tuesday, March 18, at 6 p.m., in the Franz Hall Murphy conference room (Franz 426). The MAT is an intensive program designed to prepare individuals with baccalaureate degrees for teaching in K-12 schools. MAT graduates earn a masters degree […]
Nursing Doctoral Presentations
Vanessa Bourland, a 2014 doctor of nursing practice/family nurse practitioner doctoral candidate, will present on her Practice Improvement Project (PIP), a scholarly project designed to improve practice or patient outcomes, on Monday, February 17, at 8 a.m., in Buckley Center room 209. The title of Barr’s presentation is “Designing an Optimal Care Coordination Model for […]
DNP Poster Presentations
Two candidates for the DNP degree offered in the graduate nursing program will soon be presenting posters on campus, according to the School of Nursing: Jennifer Stevens, a 2014 doctor of nursing practice/family nurse practitioner candidate, has been working over the past year to complete her Practice Improvement Project (PIP), a scholarly project designed to […]
DNP Candidate Presentation
Jason Kephart, a 2014 doctor of nursing practice—family nurse practitioner candidate, has been working over the past year to complete his practice improvement project (PIP), a scholarly project designed to improve practice or patient outcomes. Kephart will be presenting his PIP poster on Monday, September 9 9 to 9:30 a.m., in Buckley Center room 310. […]
$960,000 RISE Nursing Grant
The School of Nursing has been awarded $960,000 by the Helene Fuld Health Trust to establish scholarships for bachelor of science in nursing (B.S.N.) students who have a prior bachelor’s degree in another field. The University of Portland is one of six schools nationwide to receive funding for second degree baccalaureate students in nursing from […]
New AACN Post For Pate
Mary Frances Pate, nursing, has been elected to a one-year term as chair of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) Certification Corporation national board. Pate was named when the AACN announced its new board of directors for fiscal year 2014. Her term became effective on July 1, 2013. AACN Certification Corporation, the credentialing arm […]