The academic year begins by adding new to familiar faces, all of us coming together as Pilots on the Bluff to make a unique, whole community. This month, the University Archives and Museum offers a collage of Pilot signs from around The Bluff. (Read More).
Ride the UP Bike Bus—Every Monday and Tuesday
Join the UP Bike Bus! We arrive at the Pilot House 8:52 a.m. on Mondays and 8:22 a.m. on Tuesdays, rain or shine. Experience safety in numbers, meet other people who bike, and have fun! Open to riders of all experience and comfort levels—join us anywhere on our route. (Read More).
New Faculty/Staff Directory Photos (Sep. 10)
The Department of Marketing and Communications will be taking complimentary professional headshots for Faculty and Staff on Tuesday September 10, 2024. (read More).
Vandana Shiva in Person at UP for the 2024 Zahm Lecture! (Sept. 10)
The 2024 Zahm lecture brings Dr. Vandana Shiva, one of the foremost voices in environmental activism, to our campus to expand on that insight and advocate for “Earth Democracy.” An author of over 20 books, Shiva is also a scholar, environmental activist, ecofeminist, and a food sovereignty and anti-globalization advocate based in Delhi. (Read More).
World Premiere Film Screening of SCARS (Sept. 11)
Join us for the world premiere viewing of SCARS, a movie about a combat medic veteran with PTSD who, upon his return from Afghanistan, fights to save himself and his family’s vineyard. The film is based on the book Scars: The Effects of Post Traumatic Stress on Family, Relationships, and Work, by Fr. Richard Berg. (Read More).
BEECN Training (Sep. 17)
A BEECN is a temporary emergency radio communications site staffed by volunteers. As a BEECN site, UP Faculty, Staff, and Students are invited to join the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management’s training so that they could volunteer in the event of an emergency on campus. (Read More)
PSOB Soccer Night (Aug. 23)
Mark your calendars for August 23 as we get together for Pamplin School of Business Soccer Night!
Come enjoy some snacks and beverages with PSOB alumni, faculty, and students before heading into the stadium to cheer on the UP Pilots Men’s team vs. Washington. (Read More).
Upcoming Fire Drills (Aug. 26-Sep. 6)
Fire drills will occur in all campus buildings at the beginning of the Fall 2024 semester. All fire drills will occur during the first two weeks of the academic year. Faculty and staff are required to exit the building in the event of a fire alarm. All fire alarms should be treated like a real emergency. (Read More)
Pacific International Academy Open House (Aug. 28)
Pacific International Academy (PIA) moved to the campus of the University of Portland this summer! We’ve been warmly welcomed to our new home, and now that we’ve gotten settled, we’d like to invite you to join us for an open house. Refreshments will be served, and a number of PIA’s faculty, staff, and students will be in attendance. Come by to say hi and learn about our programs! (Read More).
Retirement Farewell for Kathleen Staten! (Aug. 28)
Kathleen Staten (Provost’s Office), a member of the UP community for over 25 years, will retire at the end of August. Please stop by the Dundon-Berchtold Lounge on the 1st floor of DB Hall on Wednesday afternoon, August 28, 3:30 p.m.-5 p.m. to wish her well! Light refreshments will be served.